Funding Opportunity |
The Digital Documentation of Petroglyphs Apply for P20AS00080
Funding Number: P20AS00080
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $61,322 |
Manage Resources at CUVA through Participation in the NPS Academy Apply for NPS NOIP19AC00235
Funding Number: NPS NOIP19AC00235
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $43,200 |
Natural Resource Assistants (2) Apply for P19AS00287
Funding Number: P19AS00287
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Education
Funding Amount: $29,900 |
Traditional Trades Apprenticeship Program Apply for P19AS00159
Funding Number: P19AS00159
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Vector Borne Disease Prevention Program for Yosemite National Park Apply for P19AS00150
Funding Number: P19AS00150
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Environment, Health, Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $139,574 |
Effects of a changing fire regime on birds at Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Apply for P18AS00495
Funding Number: P18AS00495
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Environment
Funding Amount: $43,345 |
Mission 66 Era Resources of Yellowstone, Phase 4 Apply for P18AS00516
Funding Number: P18AS00516
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $35,000 |
Promote and Support Local River and Watershed Protection Apply for P18AS00475
Funding Number: P18AS00475
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $52,000 |
Wolfe Ranch District National Register of Historic Places Nomination Apply for P18AS00270
Funding Number: P18AS00270
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $30,000 |
Park Planner to Support Deferred Maintenance Projects at Joshua Tree National Park Apply for P18AS00117
Funding Number: P18AS00117
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $146,679 |
Guiding for Tomorrow (G-WOW) Upgrade G-WOW Curriculum Apply for NPS NOIP16AC00500 001
Funding Number: NPS NOIP16AC00500 001
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $60,999 |
Quantifying the relationships between visitor use, and resource and social conditions at Katmai National Park & Preserve and Lake Clark National Park & Preserve. Apply for P18AS00025
Funding Number: P18AS00025
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Education, Information and Statistics, Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $126,000 |
: Conduct Intensive Bat Population Surveys to Assess the Impacts of White Nose Syndrome in Parks of the National Capital Region Apply for P17AS00761
Funding Number: P17AS00761
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Employment, Labor and Training
Funding Amount: $85,599 |
Lake Canyon Grazing Allotment Cultural Resource Inventory Apply for P17AS00644
Funding Number: P17AS00644
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Education, Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $98,000 |
Youth Repair Trails at Shenandoah National Park Apply for NPS 17 NERO 0119
Funding Number: NPS 17 NERO 0119
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Employment, Labor and Training
Funding Amount: $32,800 |
Grand Ditch Restoration Adaptive Management Monitoring Apply for P17AS00467
Funding Number: P17AS00467
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $42,466 |
Monitoring and Data Development for Special Status Plants and Pollinators in Mesa Verde National Park, Montezuma County, Colorado â¿¿ 2017 Apply for P17AS00348
Funding Number: P17AS00348
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $19,000 |
Climate change impacts on subsistence access to coastal resources in Arctic National Parks: Implications for NPS management Apply for P17AS00167
Funding Number: P17AS00167
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $75,000 |